Friday, January 22, 2010

one look...

I like this photo for reasons not even clear to me. For starters, for that birthday, this is the only set of pictures I have. I had fun that day. My friend was getting married. She now has a little boy - Rapha Jerome, born 24th December 2009. Amazing! I haven't seen her in a couple of months, but we talk on the phone. Once in a while. I miss her but I don't know if I am going to do anything about it soon. :D

We'll see.


The other day I was hanging out with one of my girls. We did lunch. That is something you do with your girlfriends. We talked. This activity consumes a lot of Girl Time. Which reminds me: I need to pencil in a date for the next GNO.Girls' Night Out with a sleepover optional attachment. I wonder whose house we'll go to this time.

I was having lunch with a friend. She and I were discussing life. And love. Food and fashion. Style. Relationships. You know - the usual. Talk about multitasking on the conversation wheel. :D

I like talking. Really I do. I don't know why it's not easy of late, to talk. It seems that words aren't prone to hanging out in coherent strings over here. Do you have any advice?


I miss my journal. I really do.