Monday, May 18, 2009


Last time I did this, I was under the influence of a mild to severe depression which I have since then managed to shed. As a result of said depression I may have contracted a major case of Verbal Diarrhea and thus offered TMI. I caught it in time and have actually recalled that submission. I won't pretend to be unembarrassed - I truly am. I thought I'd overcome my instances of just letting my mouth run off with my hands leaving the rest of me miles behind. I also instated safety measures - I superglued my mouth, hands and brains together. It's not as painful or disfiguring as it sounds, it's actually quite nice. You should all try it. Anyway...

A thought occurred to me and unfortunately, I did not give it time to get cemented before I was off on the trail of another thought so I misplaced it. I've been on a quest since to track it down; alas, nothing doing. I think it was profound hence my apparent failure to get it back - I have a few problems keeping track of profound things. I have better luck with frivolous bits of idle knowledge.
In the meantime, I'll entertain myself with Hugh Laurie in his capacity as an author.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Due to public demand...

Today I don't particularly like myself or feel inclined to change that. I just want to curl up somewhere warm and quiet - I'm considering renting a womb and hibernating like I did in the good old days. 9 months sounds good right about now... scratch that; I'd miss my upcoming social commitments. Let's settle on hiding out for just today and maybe tomorrow...

I am not by nature an introspective person - examining my inner self gives me the willies. However, I'm tempted to make an exception today. Now all I need is a good laparoscopic camera; I want to take pictures of my innards. (Do they still use such words?)
It feels like there's a universe in turmoil and it's taken up residence behind my umbilicus. When the pictures are developed, I vote we - oh, you want no part of it - so what's the point of voting? Oh, wait; you changed your mind again. Vote's done - we're going in as soon as we get those pictures; or as Jack Bauer might say, "We move as soon as visual is confirmed." Watch dis space :)