Monday, May 18, 2009


Last time I did this, I was under the influence of a mild to severe depression which I have since then managed to shed. As a result of said depression I may have contracted a major case of Verbal Diarrhea and thus offered TMI. I caught it in time and have actually recalled that submission. I won't pretend to be unembarrassed - I truly am. I thought I'd overcome my instances of just letting my mouth run off with my hands leaving the rest of me miles behind. I also instated safety measures - I superglued my mouth, hands and brains together. It's not as painful or disfiguring as it sounds, it's actually quite nice. You should all try it. Anyway...

A thought occurred to me and unfortunately, I did not give it time to get cemented before I was off on the trail of another thought so I misplaced it. I've been on a quest since to track it down; alas, nothing doing. I think it was profound hence my apparent failure to get it back - I have a few problems keeping track of profound things. I have better luck with frivolous bits of idle knowledge.
In the meantime, I'll entertain myself with Hugh Laurie in his capacity as an author.

1 comment:

  1. You have the Hugh Laurie book? Is that a threat?
